My style is simple, relaxed and timeless. Photography doesn’t have to be complicated or awkward. I believe that Mother Nature provides us with the best lighting, backdrops and props for almost every situation, and people are their most authentic self when they aren’t focused on the giant lens pointing at their face!

Growing up, I was always the kid with the camera. My parents bought me my first camera when I was in elementary school - a clunky, grey, Fujifilm that took 35mm film rolls and required AA batteries, which always seemed to die at the worst possible time. This thing went everywhere with me. I remember taking the film rolls into my local drugstore for processing, and anxiously waiting a whole week to see how my pictures turned out. Some were good, some were bad, some were completely unrecognizable, but I happily kept them all. 

While my skills and equipment have graduated several levels since then, I still open my photo albums and look back at these pictures fondly. These are memories of my friends, family, and pets that I will forever hold dear and true to my heart. Vacations, birthdays, school field trips, milestones that are foggy and distant at best, brought back to life every time I turn the page. 

To me, this is what photography is all about - keeping memories alive long after they were meant to be forgotten. Photography documents your story and reminds you of who you are, where you came from and what makes you, you.